Information sheet Coming into hospital - 5 key things The information in this booklet is designed to answer some of the questions you may have about preparing to come into hospital and about what to expect during your stay.
Information sheet For Carers by Carers: Going into hospital Going into Hospital is a resource leaflet by the National Dementia Carer Action Network (NDCAN). This leaflet was created by NDCAN members to help other carers of people with dementia.
Information sheet Palliative care Palliative care aims to give people reaching the end of their life the best quality care which meets their physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs.
Information sheet For Carers, by Carers: Moving into a care home Moving into a Care Home is a resource leaflet by the National Dementia Carer Action Network (NDCAN). This leaflet was created by NDCAN members to help other carers of people with dementia.
Information sheet Getting help with caring for someone with dementia Caring for someone with dementia can be a hard and demanding task. Try not to take on all the work and responsibility by yourself.
Information sheet Getting help with caring for someone with dementia Guidelines which will help you cope with your caring role, and help you understand why it is so important that you look after yourself.
Information sheet Oral health and dementia Whether you still have your own teeth, wear dentures, or even have no teeth or dentures, it is important that your oral care needs are recognised and addressed.
Information sheet Getting to Know Me Giving hospital staff a better understanding of patients with dementia who are admitted either for planned treatment, such as an operation, or in an emergency.
Information sheet Constipation and faecal impaction Constipation can be caused by a lack of dietary fibre, lack of fluids and lack of exercise or reduced mobility.
Information sheet Volunteering for research into dementia Are you, or is someone you know, considering taking part in research?