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We are committed to funding research to improve the lives of people with dementia now and in the future.
The Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre:
- provides a high quality environment for dementia research
- commissions and develops a balanced portfolio of clinical and scientific research
- attracts external dementia research funding
- develops and maintains a brain tissue bank.
Clinical research into dementia – making a difference now
Clinical research tests the effectiveness of a variety of treatments designed to help people live better with dementia and to slow the progression of the illness. There is currently a very limited range of drugs available to people with dementia and not everyone benefits from them. Finding new treatments that work would have a major impact on quality of life for those affected by dementia.
Scientific research into dementia – making a difference in the future
Scientific research works to improve our understanding of what causes dementia and the links between symptoms and changes in the brain. It also looks at developing methods of detecting very early signs of dementia, which could help us find a way to stop the illness progressing further, reverse its damage to the brain or possibly prevent it altogether.
Brain tissue bank
Many people with dementia and their families are keen to aid research by donating their brain tissue after death. However, until recently, Scotland has had very few facilities to do this. The brain tissue bank at the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre is able to process donations of brain tissue from people with dementia, to assist with research now and in the future.
To find out more about brain tissue donation, please call our Dementia Helpline on 0808 808 3000 or visit