Become a NDCAN member
How to get involved
NDCAN is open to anyone who has experience of caring for someone living with dementia. Members all live in Scotland or care for someone who lives in Scotland. By joining NDCAN you are adding your voice to carers of people with dementia across Scotland to make sure dementia carer issues are heard. You will be part of influencing the future of dementia policy and strategy in Scotland and make things better for the people who come after us. You will also get the opportunity to meet a wide range of people. On a personal level, many members of the group speak about the benefit they’ve felt through contributing in this way.
NDCAN testimonial
I have been so impressed by not only what NDCAN has achieved since its inception, but also the respect we have as an organisation and our impact on policies affecting the carers of people with dementia and those with a diagnosis of dementia.
Become a NDCAN member - continued
Membership is free!
NDCAN focuses on campaigning and awareness raising at a national level. However, there will also be opportunities for you to get involved in campaigning at a local level, for example through working with your local health and social care partnership to ensure carer’s voices are heard.
Meetings give all members a chance to get involved. However, we recognise that not everyone is able to get to meetings but would still like to contribute and show their support for the group.