Following on from our Annual Conference we are holding a special seminar focusing on some of the innovative projects from the Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice (ASCPP). 

Living the Best Life Possible - Innovations from Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice seminar

Monday 23 September - 1pm - 2.20pm  

This seminar showcases examples of the outcomes of three small research projects from two funding sources on interdisciplinary dementia practice. The RS MacDonald Charitable Trust funded Dr Rhoda MacRae and Prof Debbie Tolson to lead and steward an institutional Seedcorn Fund at the Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice at the University of the West of Scotland . The purpose of the Seedcorn funding was to catalyse interdisciplinary dementia research and grow the university's capabilities and capacity in applied dementia research.

The Scottish Neurological Research Fund is financially supported by RS Macdonald, the Chief Scientist Office and administered by the University of St Andrews. This fund supported by Eileen Harkess-Murphey's work.

  • 1pm: Introductions to Alzheimer Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice, the participants and RS MacDonald Seedcorn  Anna Jack-Waugh
  • 1.10pm: Eileen Harkess-Murphy - Trauma-Informed Approach in Dementia (TrIAD): An Analysis of Telephone Helpline Calls 
  • 1.30pm: Liz Carlin-The Lived Experience of People with Dementia in Walking Football  
  • 1.50pm: Stephen Mullay - Clinic to the Fireside: A Community-Centred Approach to Specialised Expertise in Dementia 
  • 2.10pm:  Additional questions and close

This seminar will be held using Microsoft Teams, if you are interested in attending, please email [email protected] for a link.