John’s wife Janice, 67, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2018. He talks about the vital support he’s had from family and friends across the community in supporting Janice and their fundraising activities.

"It was an idea that first came to us during the pandemic when Janice and I would go out for walks along the Gourock water front to get us out the house. Our daughter Lynsey came with us one day and she couldn’t believe how many people would stop and say hello to us. 

"I used to play professional football and have coached at Gourock Youth Athletic Club (YAC) and First Touch football coaching for almost 30 years, so I’ve made a lot of friends over the years. My daughter told me I should fundraise for Alzheimer Scotland because I know so many people. 

"I came up with the idea of holding a fundraising walk around Battery Park in Greenock in June. I thought we might raise a few thousand pounds, but the response was overwhelming. All the boys I used to coach, including my son Mark and grandkids Willow and Woody from Jersey, all rallied together with their families and it grew from there. Businesses across the area reached out, donating things like goody bags and snacks for the kids. There was even a face painter and DJ who gave up their time for nothing, plus the local hotel, the Tontine, gave us their hall for a reception afterwards.

Fundraiser John with his family
John with his wife Janice, son, daughter and Grandchildren 

"We were blown away by everyone’s support and raised just under £12,000.
We’ll be doing one more event this year, which is a dinner dance in Greenock Town Hall in October, where we’ll be auctioning prizes including signed football shirts. I’ve known Martin Compston since he was a boy and he gave us a shirt from when he played in Soccer Aid, signed by people like Usain Bolt. The night is a sell-out – 350 tickets sold, and a waiting list of over 100 people.

"It can be tough as a carer, but we’re very lucky to have a lot of support from family and friends who take Janice out every week and spend a lot of time with her – especially our daughter Lynsey and granddaughter Beth, Janice’s sister Audrey and our friends Mary and Billy Clark.

"I do talent scouting for a football club in Glasgow and I’d talked about giving that up, but my daughter told me I had to keep doing it because it was the only time I get to myself. You do need to look after yourself as a carer because it would be easy to burn out. 

"Janice goes to Alzheimer Scotland’s centre on Nicol Street three days a week and I can’t speak highly enough about that facility. The staff are fantastic and it gives me a big break. Janice’s illness has progressed quite a bit recently but you can see she loves going there. It’s not been easy for her because she was always so independent. She worked as a support worker in the Greenock community health team, so she’s used to being the one to help others.

"We’re hoping to get the final fundraising total to £20,000 and if the money we raise can do anything to help support Alzheimer Scotland then I’m more than delighted."