Joanne describes how she took part in Alzheimer Scotland’s Memory Walk in Dundee to raise funds in memory of her gran Anne.

"My gran, Anne, was my best friend and was always there for me. When I was growing up, we lived in the flat right above her so I would see her all the time. I remember more than once my mum and dad would go to check on me in my room only to find I’d snuck downstairs with my teddy. I knew if mum and dad said no, gran would say yes.

"She was so kind and caring and was always there if you needed to talk. She bought me dresses for my christening, my first Communion, my prom, my 18th and my 21st. She said the next one would be my wedding dress but sadly we ran out of time.

Fundraiser Joan with her Gran in care home
Joanne with her Gran 

"My gran was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2019 but she’d been having trouble remembering things for a while before that. Covid made it difficult to get much help but thankfully when the lockdowns eased off she could do things like go to the day centre each week. Alzheimer Scotland were also a great support for my auntie and my dad, and would give them all the information they needed.

"At that point gran lived with my auntie Helen, still in the flat below my parents. We all visited and supported her as much as we could for as long as we could, until she eventually moved into a care home. Gran died in 2022, aged 83. 

"When I saw the advert for Alzheimer Scotland’s Memory Walk in Dundee, I thought: my gran did everything for me and I want to do something for her. At the same time I signed up to Walk 30 Miles in September to give myself an extra challenge.

"I was a bit nervous to do the Memory Walk on my own but once I was there it was fine. I got quite emotional, hearing the opening speeches and just having that time to think about my gran and all the memories we had together.

Fundraiser Joanne completes Dundee Memory Walk
Joanne completing the Dundee Memory Walk 

"I remembered one trip we all took to Blackpool when we went up the tower. I can still see my poor gran’s face when she was standing on the glass floor with a view all the way down. She looked horrified. We also went to the amusement park together and the only ride she would go on with me was the tea cups. But she always saw the funny side and we had such a laugh together.

"I’m really glad I signed up to these challenges. For the 30 Miles in September, I’ve been going out every morning with my dog Benji at half five or six which is a great way to start the day. I’ve loved being able to raise a bit of money and to do something positive in memory of gran."