For carers, by carers - a resilience project
'For Carers, By Carers' is carers speaking to and supporting other carers
In 2016, members of the National Dementia Carers Action Network (NDCAN) took part in a conference on building resilience amongst family carers. They became interested in helping other carers of people with dementia to be more resilient by sharing their knowledge and experiences of what has helped and worked for them. The group applied for funding, and the Life Changes Trust (The Trust is funded by the Big Lottery) supported them to develop a series of eight booklets explaining what has helped carers of people with dementia to get through the day and cope with difficult times. These booklets offered words of encouragement, tools and tips. They were not professional advice guides. Rather, they were the things that worked for NDCAN’s carers and other carers across Scotland.
To put these booklets together, NDCAN not only drew upon the expertise of their entire membership, they also worked closely with groups of carers all across Scotland.
In 2024 NDCAN members refreshed the resources to ensure they remain current and effective. Recognising digital developments, they highlighted that technology and apps can help people to live well with dementia and provide peace of mind for carers; they referenced current guidance and support; and they reflected on advances in dementia care and practice.
Each leaflet now stands on it's own, sharing information specific to where a carer is on their dementia journey, as well as providing top tips and general key information.
NDCAN would particularly like to thank the previous members who worked on the original resilience project team: Janette Kean, Myra Lamont, Maggie Muir, Bernard O’Hagan and Lorna Walker; and the current members who reviewed and produced the new resources: Ian Tomney, Joanna Boddy, Maureen Huggins and Thea Laurie.
- Going for a diagnosis
- Helping someone with dementia to live well
- Working with professionals and services
- Going into hospital
- Moving into a care home
- Looking after yourself
- When problems arise
- Grief and loss