How Alzheimer Scotland is campaigning for change

Alzheimer Scotland works nationally and locally to make sure that nobody faces dementia alone.

We alongside people with dementia, their families and carers, and with the Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Health Boards, Integrated Joint Boards, universities, businesses, community groups and the public so that as many people as possible are aware of dementia and know how they can help people with dementia live well with the condition.

We make sure that people who make decisions about policy, strategy, services, support and legislation see dementia as a priority and understand what is needed to ensure people are well supported.

We also work to make sure that decision makers listen to people with experience of dementia when making decisions which will impact on people with dementia, their families and carers. Most of the decisions that have the biggest impact on the lives of people living with dementia and carers are made locally, by the Integrated Joint Boards that run Health and Social Care partnerships.

This is why Alzheimer Scotland’s Vision for Change specifically highlights the vital need for a collective voice and movement within our local communities and have called upon each local Integrated Joint Board to produce a local dementia implementation plan.

Vision for Change

Alzheimer Scotland's Vision for Change outlines six areas of focus which are crucial to transforming the lives of people with dementia in Scotland. These reflect what people with dementia, their families and carers say matter most to them, with their voice at the heart of all our campaigning activities.

Alzheimer Scotland - Vision for change
Alzheimer Scotland - Vision for change


We campaign for:

  • A timely diagnosis with structured support immediately after diagnosis for as long you need it
  • Support to live well with dementia, or as a carer of someone with dementia, in your local community
  • Good quality healthcare, from professionals who understand dementia and who will listen to both you and your carer about your care needs
  • Support to manage all the health and care needs of advanced dementia and end of life with dementia and equality of access to health and nursing care, free at the point of use.