
Alzheimer Scotland is committed to three areas of research: Prevent Now. Care Today. Cure Tomorrow. Thanks to the latest studies, we are learning more than ever about not only dementia as an illness and what is most important when it comes to care, support and quality of life, but also what can be done to help prevent dementia: and, ultimately, finding a cure.

Let's talk about Research and Prevention. 

BHS podcast

Brain Health Scotland podcast

Brain Health Scotland was developed in partnership with Alzheimer Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government. Their mission is to inspire and empower everyone in Scotland to protect their brain health and reduce their risk of diseases that lead to dementia. In this podcast, Anna Borthwick, Executive Lead for Operations, Comms & Public Engagement at Brain Health Scotland answers some common questions on brain health, including some asked by members of the Scottish Dementia Working Group.  

bhs course

Understanding Brain Health: Preventing Dementia

This free, online course has been created by the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Brain Health Scotland and is endorsed by Alzheimer Scotland. Learn about risk factors for brain disease, how early detection and protecting brain health can help to reduce the risk of brain diseases that lead to dementia, and explore the latest developments in brain health research

More information and how to sign up here 

Online course testimonial


Join Dementia Research


The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) in partnership with Alzheimer Scotland, Alzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society have developed Join Dementia Research, a service which allows people to register their interest in participating in dementia research and be matched to suitable studies. By signing up you can help help people living with the condition now, as well as helping to prevent people from developing dementia in the future.